So you wanna earn an income online and you're interested in network marketing. This business model has become quite popular over the years, especially with so many people pursue work at home jobs. It is a rising profitable industry, but how do you find Network Marketing Training to get you started? In this post I will be going over 3 of the best sources to get Network Marketing Training.
What is Network Marketing?

In a nutshell, Network Marketing is a business model that works directly through distributors and sales reps, to promote/sell special products or services. Literally almost anyone can be a sales rep through these network marketing programs.
Can You Do Network Marketing From Home?

The allure of these opportunities is that you can promote or sell these products from anywhere, which is why most of the network marketing sales reps work from home.
For a more detailed description on what Network Marketing is Check out my Post Below.
Why is it a Popular Business Model?

One of the main reasons Network Marketing is so popular is the benefit of not being confined to a schedule. The freedom of not having to clock in everyday at a regular 9-5 job, appeals to many. The idea of not having a boss to report to is also a rather pleasant thought.
Another reason is that you can go all in and shoot for a full time income; or you can do it to create a side income for yourself. It's really all up to you and your lifestyle.
Whether you are just getting started, have some experience, or are an ultra-successful affiliate marketer, this 4 step formula is made for you!
Should You Pursue Network Marketing Training?
Here's the thing about Network Marketing. It really takes a highly driven type of personality to succeed in this business model. The tasks that you will have to go through in these programs may require you to have a bit of sales skills. Also, it helps to be kind of a sociable charismatic person, as a lot of the programs will have you recruiting others to your sales network.

Now, this doesn't mean that it is an absolute must to have these traits, but it definitely helps. You can learn these skills, and I guess that's why you're looking into training right?
3 Places to get Network Marketing Training
Ok, now that you have an idea of what to expect going into network marketing, we can go into the 3 best ways to acquire the training you need to achieve your goals.
The Network Program

There are literally thousands of network marketing programs that you can sign up for, ranging in a variety of niches. The good part about most of these programs is that they offer training inside their network.
Usually when getting into a program, you are given a mentor. Which is the person that referred you to be a sales rep. This person is tasked with training you in various aspects of the company and products sold. Most of these mentors will try to give you as much training as possible, as in the long run it helps them in garnering sales.
However, there are a lot of these appointed mentors that really won't care, they just want to get more people into their sales network. So a lot of times you may be thrown right into the mix of things without having a clue what your doing. This is one of the main reasons most fail in network marketing.
That being said, the training inside the programs is still a viable way of getting experience in network marketing.
YouTube Network Marketing Training Channels

Yes, YouTube. The popular video posting platform, is a bona fide goldmine as far as learning about any subject you could think of. Needless to say you will find a plethora of instructional videos on network marketing. Here is an example below.
You could literally spend months looking up videos and absorbing all the info you can about network marketing. Of course, it would be really time consuming but if you are a determined individual; you will be a self taught marketer in no time.
Your Best Option – Wealthy Affiliate

If you're an online entrepreneur and you haven't heard of Wealthy Affiliate, well you've been missing out. WA is, hands down, the best training platform for online business to date. There have been thousands of success stories that come out of this platform, and it's members continue to grow their wealth.
Check Out My Review of WA Here.
In WA you will find some amazing training on the subject of Network Marketing. Taught in web classes and in available coaching. The classes range from beginners to advanced technique marketing.
In my opinion, WA is best for beginners to start off and get experience learning how the online business works. It will give them the sale skills experience, the marketing skills, and the confidence that they would need; before tackling network marketing.
Even if you are just wanting specific marketing training, WA is still a leading choice here.
You Can Sign Up for a Free Membership Here.
Final Thought

Network Marketing is definitely a thriving business model this day and age. With so many looking to earn an extra income, it has become a sought after alternative to the regular 9-5.

Unfortunately there is a down side to network marketing. The problem is how hard it actually is to make money on some of these programs. A lot of time to make money off of them you have to invest out of your own pocket on a monthly basis. Product needs to be bought by you to sell. The issue is that, there is no guarantee that you will make any sales at all.
Most of any sort of income you make will come from recruits that you bring in. Mind you, it is pretty difficult to get people to sign up as reps. Hence, why your social skills have gotta be on par or else you'll constantly be pestering your friends and family to join. Yeah, it's a good way to lose friends.
Now, I'm not saying that you won't succeed in Network Marketing, but there is a far easier choice.
Check out my #1 Recommended Free Training Platform for Affiliate Marketing. You will have a whole community of successful entrepreneurs there to help you crush your goals.
Remember anyone can make money online, but the hardest part is taking your first step in the right direction.
Learn how to earn revenue with affiliate marketing and leave the MLM opportunities behind.