So, you are new to the online business world and you want to try affiliate marketing? Well, I can say that you have made a very wise decision. It is after all a very lucrative business model. However, affiliate marketing for beginners can be quite a rollercoaster ride.
You see, I think most people get into affiliate marketing thinking they are going to get rich. Not just that, but there are a lot of misconceptions beginners have about this business model.
Well, in this post I wanna have some real talk about certain facts any new entrepreneur should know about affiliate marketing.
What is Affiliate Marketing? – Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

Just in case you didn't know what affiliate marketing is, let me give you a brief explanation. Affiliate marketing is a type of online marketing where you, the affiliate, promote other people's products or services and earn a commission on every sale you make.
Most entrepreneurs are attracted to this business model because you don't need a product of your own. Companies basically pay you to promote or recommend their product.
Whether you are just getting started, have some experience, or are an ultra-successful affiliate marketer, this 4 step formula is made for you!
The whole process breaks down like this:
- You Find Affiliate Programs You Are Interested In
- Apply to Promote the Product
- After You are Accepted, You are Then Given a Personal Affiliate Link
- You Then Use This Link to Send Customers to the Product
- If a Lead Buys the Product Through Your Affiliate Link, You Get a Commission for the Sale
Here's a Visual Look:

It's really that simple, but of course, there's a little more to it than that.
Check Out the Post Below for a Full Rundown on Affiliate Marketing:
>>Affiliate Marketing Beginners – Guide to Online Success<<
Why You Should Get Into Affiliate Marketing?

There are many reasons why affiliate marketing is a great business model for beginners. For one, it doesn't require a lot of capital to get started. In fact, you can start as an affiliate with very little money.
All you need is a computer and an internet connection. That's it!
Another reason why affiliate marketing is great is that it's a very scalable business. You can make as little or as much money as you want. It all depends on how much work you're willing to put in.
So, if you're looking for 1 of the easiest ways to earn a living online, then affiliate marketing is right up your alley.
Common Assumptions Beginners Have About Affiliate Marketing

Alright so, here's where we get into the unfortunate truth about affiliate marketing for beginners. There are a lot of misconceptions that people have about this business model.
Let's go over some of the most common ones:
Affiliate Marketing is a Fast Way to Get Rich
This is probably the biggest misconception about affiliate marketing. A lot of people think that they can get rich quickly by getting started in affiliate marketing.

The Truth: I'm sorry to say this, but that's just not true. Like any business, affiliate marketing takes time, effort, and dedication to succeed. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme.
To make affiliate marketing work, you need to be in it for the long haul. You need to be patient and willing to put in the work. Trust me, it will pay off in the end!
You'll Be Able to Quit Your Job -Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
Another common misconception is that affiliate marketing will allow you to quit your job. While it's true that affiliate marketing can eventually lead to financial freedom, it's not going to happen overnight.

The Truth: In the beginning, you will likely have to work a full-time job while also working on your affiliate business on the side. It will take some determination, and it might even be a little bit tough, but it's definitely doable.
So, don't quit your day job just yet! Give it some time and see how things go.
You'll Get to Spend More Time with Your Family and Friends
This is a common one that a lot of people fall for. They think that affiliate marketing will give them more time to spend with their loved ones. While some of this is true, it's far from being realistic.

The Truth: The unfortunate truth is, in the beginning, you will likely have to sacrifice some of your personal time to work on your affiliate business. It takes a lot of dedication and discipline to succeed in this business. While you will have to sacrifice time with family and friends, in the long run, you will be able to gain that time back as your affiliate business grows.
You Won't Need to Invest Money with Affiliate Marketing
Another big misconception is that you won't need to invest any money to succeed with affiliate marketing.

The Truth: While it's true that you don't need a lot of money to get started, there will be some expenses along the way. You will likely need to invest some money in your affiliate business, especially if you want to scale it up.
It's So Easy That You Will Only Need to Work for an Hour a Day
This is another one of those affiliate marketing myths that a lot of people believe. They think that it's so easy that they will only need to work for an hour or two a day and the money will just start rolling in.

The Truth: Affiliate marketing requires work daily to keep your commissions rolling in. It's not a set it and forget it type of business. You need to be actively working on your affiliate business every day if you want to see any sort of success.
You Can Choose 1 Product to Promote and It Will Earn a Passive Income
Here is another affiliate marketing myth that a lot of people seem to believe. They think that they can just choose 1 product to promote and it will magically start earning them a passive income.

The Truth: Look, this business model is not a magic money tree. You need to be constantly promoting different products and growing your audience if you want to see any sort of success.
You Will Own a Lamborghini and Work While Relaxing at a Beach
This one is a real kicker. A lot of people think that they will become overnight millionaires and live a life of luxury. Yeeeah… Unless you actually do hit a jackpot overnight, then this is not likely.
A lot of super affiliate gurus will make videos showing themselves driving fast cars and living in luxury homes. Most t of time this is just a façade to get you to think that their product will get you the same results.
90% of the time it's not true.

The Truth: The harsh reality is, that's just not true. While affiliate marketing can make you a lot of money, it's not going to make you an overnight millionaire.
You'll Make Money on Autopilot – Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
A lot of people think that affiliate marketing is some sort of autopilot money machine. They think that they can just set it up and the money will start rolling in without them having to do any work.

The Truth: I hate sounding like a broken record player here. Again, it is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It's a real business that you need to grow. It's not a cash machine that will just spit you out money. You will get what you give.
There are Methods and Courses That Will Fast Track You to Super Affiliate Status
I've seen it many times. I'm actually guilty of once thinking this myself. The thing is there are a lot of people who think that there are methods and courses out there that will magically transform them into super affiliates.

The Truth: There is no such thing as a super affiliate formula or course. There is no magic pill that you can take to become a super affiliate. Super affiliate status is something that you earn through years of hard work and dedication.
My Story as a Newbie to Online Business – Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

When I got started in online business, about 6 years ago, I started off in Drop-shipping on the Shopify platform. I had ZERO experience with an online business, marketing, or sales.
At the time, I was an overworked grocery clerk who was just trying to make some extra money. I didn't know anything about affiliate marketing or any of the other online business models out there.
Back then, I remember thinking to myself, “this is easy! I can just set up a Shopify store, add some products, and start making sales.” Boy, was I wrong!!
It took me months of blood, sweat, and tears to finally start seeing any sort of results. The days were long, as I was working 12-14 hour days, seven days a week just trying to get my business off the ground.
I Failed Miserably With My Online Store
As much as I was wanting my little Shopify puppy store to succeed; it just wasn't suited for me. There are a lot of aspects of drop-shipping that I just wasn't cut out for. It just wasn't my thing.

I was depressed for a long time. Started doubting myself and was about to just bite the bullet and accept the fact that I'd be a grocery man for life. Then, I saw a video on YouTube about Affiliate Marketing. It changed my whole perspective on online business.
My Experience Being a Beginner in Affiliate Marketing
I was immediately interested in affiliate marketing. So, I did some research and found that it was one of the easiest business models to get started. I also found that it was a very low-cost way to get started.

One of the major things that caught my interest was how much more simplified it was compared to Drop-shipping. There was no inventory to worry about, no worrying about shipping, and no refunded orders to worry about.
All I needed to do was promote other people's products. Seemed simple enough.
Trying to Find Success with No Direction
I remember thinking to myself, “this is going to be easy! I can just set up a website, add some affiliate links, and start making sales.” Quite honestly, I didn't have a clue how wrong I was.

Surprisingly, I was working 12-14 hour days, seven days a week. Not including the 40 hrs I worked at my grocery job. I was exhausted and determined to start seeing commissions, but they never came. At least not the thousands I was expecting.
“Why is this not Working?” I thought to myself. There had to be something missing. Maybe a shortcut to making big ticket commissions?
This is where I made some huge mistakes. I went into a mode that they call the “Shiny Object Syndrome”.
False Promises From Super Affiliate Gurus
I started buying into all of the affiliate marketing myths that were being peddled by these super affiliate gurus. They promised me the world. “Just buy my course for $997, and I'll show you how to make millions!”
“All you need is my $1997 set it and forget it system, and you'll be a super affiliate in no time!”

I wasted so much money on these affiliate marketing courses and systems that didn't work. I was more lost than ever. These super affiliate gurus had me believing that all I needed to do was buy their course and I would start making millions. But, it just wasn't true.
These courses did nothing but leave me more in debt and feeling hopeless.
A Coach that Changed Everything for Me
Not all the courses I took were scams. Some lessons really did teach me what I needed to know about affiliate marketing. Yes, I spent a lot of money to acquire this knowledge, but it was valuable info I needed on how affiliate marketing works.
The funny thing is, that my turning point came from a training platform that was free. Inside a whole community of affiliate entrepreneurs, I met a seasoned veteran that offered me coaching.

This affiliate marketing coach not only showed me the real path to success but also held my hand through the process. I was learning the exact steps that had to be taken to start earning money from my endeavors. Everything I thought I was doing right, I was wrong.
But with this affiliate marketing coach's help, I was able to get on the path to success. Finally seeing results and making sales!
Patience was Key – Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
I learned so much from my coach, but there was 1 lesson that was crucial to finally reach my goals. The key is to be patient and consistent with your efforts.

It took me almost a year before I started seeing any real money come in. But when it did, it was the sweetest victory. I had finally accomplished what I set out to do when I first started my affiliate marketing journey.
There was no looking back now. I finally was a full-time affiliate marketer.
Real Talk About What You Need to Do to Succeed in Affiliate Marketing

Alright so, now that I've gone over my story and the mistakes I made; it's time to have some real talk. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. It's time to be blunt and truthful about finding success in affiliate marketing.
Things You Absolutely Must Do as a Beginner in Affiliate Marketing
First off, affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. You're not gonna make millions overnight. You might not even make your first commission for months. It takes time, dedication, and consistency to start seeing any real money come in.
Secondly, you need to have a coach or a mentor. Someone that can show you the ropes and help you avoid making the same mistakes that they made.

If you can't get a coach you need to be part of a supportive affiliate marketing community. It can be very helpful to garner advice from like-minded entrepreneurs that have successfully started an affiliate business.
Just like in any business, affiliate marketing is a process. There are specific steps that need to be taken in order for you to find success. Having the help of peers guiding you will tremendously increase your chances of reaching your goals.
There is No Magic System That Will Make You Rich
I can't stress this enough. No affiliate marketing course or system will make you rich overnight. Those are all scams. The only people getting rich from those are the so-called gurus selling them to you.

If you're looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, affiliate marketing is not for you. You need to have patience and be willing to put in the work. Affiliate marketing is a process that takes time, dedication, and consistency.
The Right Mindset for Success – Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
If you're still reading this, then I'm assuming you're serious about wanting to find success in affiliate marketing. If that's the case, then there are certain things you need to prepare yourself for to succeed.
You need to have the right mindset. You can't go into affiliate marketing thinking that you're gonna get rich quickly. It just doesn't work that way. You need to be patient and willing to put in the work.

Being in the right mindset will get you through the tough times you'll have. You'll make mistakes. Things won't always work right but as long as you stay focused, you will achieve your objectives.
Here is Some Recommended Reading that Will Get You in the Right Mindset:
- Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
- The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco
- The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
These are all great books that will help you get in the right mindset for affiliate marketing. I highly recommend reading them if you want to set yourself up on the right mental path.
You Need to Invest Time and Money – Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
Investing time and money is important if you want to find success in affiliate marketing. You need to be willing to invest in both if you want to see results.

You'll need to spend time learning the ropes, researching affiliate programs, and building your website or blog. You can't expect to see results if you're not willing to put in the work.
You'll also need to invest money in tools and resources that will help you in your affiliate marketing journey. These things are not necessary but they will help you save time and be more efficient.
Some of the things you might want to invest in are:
- Training in Affiliate Marketing (Click Here for My Recommend Free Training)
- A website or blog (Click Here for My Recommended Free Website Builder)
- Hosting and a domain name (Click Here for My Recommended Hosting)
- An email autoresponder (Click Here for My Recommended Email Service)
- Graphics design software (Click Here for My Recommended Graphics Platform)
These are just some of the things you might want to invest in. You don't need all of them to find success but they will help you in your affiliate marketing journey.
Work Smarter, Not Harder – Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

One of the most important things you need to do in order to find success in affiliate marketing is to work smarter, not harder.
There are a lot of things that need to be done in order for you to see results and if you're not working efficiently, you'll never see the results you want.
You need to be focused on your goals and work towards them. You also need to be organized and have a plan. Having a plan will help you stay on track and focused on what's important.
Utilize marketing tools and resources to help you in your affiliate marketing journey. These things will save you time and help you be more efficient.
Always Keep Learning – Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

The affiliate marketing industry is constantly changing and evolving. What works today might not work tomorrow. That's why it's important to always be learning. You need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and changes in the affiliate marketing industry.
One of the best ways to do this is to join affiliate marketing forums and read affiliate marketing blogs. These are a great resource for affiliate marketers of all levels.
Do Not Immediately Quit Your Job
If you're thinking about getting into affiliate marketing, don't immediately quit your job. I know a lot of people who have done this and it's not a good idea.

Don't go into this thinking that you will make a fortune overnight, then you'll be able to go to work and give your boss the finger. It doesn't work that way.
Only quit your job when you're making enough money from affiliate marketing to support yourself and your family.
Don't Forget to Have Fun
Last but not least, don't forget to have fun. Affiliate marketing can be a lot of work but it can also be a lot of fun. Find affiliate programs that you're passionate about and enjoy working on.

If you're not having fun, you won't stick with it.
The Online Training Platform that Changed Everything for Me – Affiliate Marketing for Beginners
So, now I've gone over pretty much everything you need to be aware of as a beginner. However, I do want to give you a running start at this.

When I first started, the affiliate marketing platform that changed everything for me was Wealthy Affiliate. It's an online training platform that has helped me (and thousands of others) go from a complete beginner to making a full-time income online.
In Fact, Wealthy Affiliate Offers all the Things I Mentioned You Would Need:
- A Free Starter Membership (no credit card required)
- 4-Steps to Success Training Course
- Live Weekly Training Sessions
- Affiliate Marketing Forums
- Marketing Blogs
- Free Website Builder
- Website Hosting
- Keyword Research Tool
- Available Coaching
- A Whole Community of Like-Minded Entrepreneurs
And Much More!!
I highly recommend you check it out. It's free to join and you can get started today.
Click Here to Join Wealthy Affiliate for Free!
I hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below and I'll be happy to help.
To your affiliate marketing success!
Hi Steven,
Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money online.By understanding the reality of affiliate marketing, you can set yourself up for success—great article showing the pro’s/cons and the truths of affiliate marketing. WA has a great system with all the information needed. Keep up the great work on bringing the information to people’s attention.
Thank you for reading., Chris. I really was irritated when I wrote this. Just seeing all the scamming products out there really gets me upset. I guess because I went through a lot of them. So now I feel it’s my duty to warn others.