Fullstaq Marketer Review: New Training or Revamped Scam?

Fullstaq Marketer is a Very Pricey Affiliate Marketing Course that first caught my attention because of how much it costs. I was curious to see if it was worth the investment, or if it was just a revamped version of another scam product.

Fullstaq Marketer is created by Keala Kanae, who is also the creator of the AWOL Academy Course. This course got major complaints about being a scam, so I was naturally curious to see what Fullstaq Marketer had to offer.

In this Fullstaq Marketer Review, I will give you insight into what this new course actually teaches. I will also go over the price and let you know if this course is worth it.

Fullstaq Marketer promises to teach you how to make a Full-Time Income as an Affiliate Marketer.

So, Is Fullstaq Marketer a Scam?

Keep reading to find out.

What Exactly is Fullstaq Marketer?

Fullstaq Marketer Review: New Training or Revamped Scam?

Fullstaq Marketer is an online course that claims to teach you how to be a successful affiliate marketer. The course is run by Keala Kanae, who is also the creator of the AWOL Academy Course.

Follow My Proven 4 Step Formula

Whether you are just getting started, have some experience, or are an ultra-successful affiliate marketer, this 4 step formula is made for you!

The promise is that the course will teach you how to make a full-time income through affiliate marketing with paid advertisements and social media.

Now, this method is definitely a part of affiliate marketing and can be used to bring in an income. However, the question is whether or not Fullstaq Marketer actually delivers on its promise.

In order to properly answer that question, we need to take a look at the creator, content, and price of the course. So, let's get started.

Who is Keala Kanae?

Fullstaq Marketer Review: New Training or Revamped Scam?

Keala Kanae is the creator of Fullstaq Marketer and the AWOL Academy Course. He is also a successful affiliate marketer, who has been able to make a full-time income through his marketing efforts.

In addition to being an affiliate marketer, Keala is also a speaker and a coach. He has spoken at various events, including the Tony Robbins Business Mastery event.

Keala is definitely an expert in the field of affiliate marketing. However, there have been some complaints about his previous course, the AWOL Academy Course.

Some people have called it a scam because it was expensive and didn't deliver on its promises.

Why Was His AWOL Acadamy Course Shut Down?

Fullstaq Marketer Review: New Training or Revamped Scam?

The Fullstaq Marketer's approach is comparable to that of AWOL Academy, which was developed by Kanae and his business partner in 2015. It was a pretty shady program where you could join to learn how to promote the same material to others for money.

The problem, however, was that the plan was un-transparent in terms of pricing. Kanae lured you in with low prices and big promises. However, as soon as you accepted the course advice, you would be aggressively pushed into additional upsells.

Like a lot of scam courses, you are suckered in with a low price, which was $99 for the course. However, by the end of the course, you would end up paying over $10,000.

Needless to say, there were a lot of complaints. In fact, there were so many complaints that the course was shut down in 2019.

What Does the Fullstaq Marketer Course Teach?

Fullstaq Marketer Review: New Training or Revamped Scam?

Before I get to what the Fullstaq Marketer Course consists of, I want to make it clear that this product is basically a revamped version of AWOL Acadamy.

So, Keep in mind that it still has that same scammy vibe to it.

Now that we got that out of the way, let's take a look at what Fullstaq Marketer actually teaches.

Fullstaq Marketer Training Breakdown

The training inside Fullstaq Marketer consists of 4 different modules. Here is the breakdown of what you learn.

Fullstaq Accelerator

This module goes over 4 basic topics related to affiliate marketing.

Business Foundation, Fullstaq Community Support, Business Mindset, and Website Setup.

You will also Be shown how to create your landing pages and sales funnels.

Fullstaq Marketer Review: New Training or Revamped Scam?
Fullstaq Marketer Review: New Training or Revamped Scam?

Traffic Lab

This module focuses on garnering traffic through paid advertisements on social media platforms.

Basically, you are shown how to get traffic to your funnels from Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok.

Utilizing the power of social media is a definite skill to learn in online business.

Conversions Labs

This lesson goes over the topic of converting your leads to buyers through copywriting and persuasion techniques.

While this is important in digital marketing, the way it is shown can be rather confusing.

The lesson could have used a more easy to understand approach. That being said, it is still a valuable lesson to take in.

Fullstaq Marketer Review: New Training or Revamped Scam?
Fullstaq Marketer Review: New Training or Revamped Scam?

Master Labs

In this lesson Kanae shows how to set up your own course products to scale your business.

It includes strategies and methods that can get you to the status of Super Affiliate Solopreneur.

You had better hope that it gets you to Super Affiliate because this upsell is pretty expensive.

There is also another course that is meant to be for the more advanced Fullstaq members. It is called the

Fullstaq Elite.

This is where you will spend a lot of money for the valuable lessons that are presented in this training.

It goes over topics on scaling your business and shows you a gameplan blueprint to do so. You also get coaching and mentoring from Kanae himself.

This section is in the thousands when it comes to the cost, so it is not recommended for beginners.

How Much is the Course?

Fullstaq Marketer Review: New Training or Revamped Scam?

To join Fullstaq Marketer, the price is $997. That is for the basic Accelerator Course. In my mind, the price does not fit with the content that is taught.

You can literally join training platforms for free and learn what Fullstaq Marketer teaches for this pricey start-up fee.

Pricey Upsells

The program is Basically a Revamped Version of AWOL Acadamy

Now as if the membership fee wasn't high enough; you are then made to pay more to be able to access the other courses listed above. All together you'll end up spending about $6000.

That's not even including the price of the monthly services you will need to implement the training with your business. So, tack on another $600 onto that.

Bottom Line is that there are way better training platforms that can teach you this content for a fraction of what you would spend with Fullstaq Marketer.

Check Out My Post Below for More Info on These Platforms:

Top 3 Make Money Online Home Based Business Training Recommendations

Pros and Cons of Fullstaq Marketer


  • The Lessons are Legitimately Real Methods to Get Started in Affiliate Marketing
  • Keala is a Very Charismatic Teacher that Does Make the Courses Fun


  • The Price is Way too Much for Content that is Taught Elsewhere for Free
  • The Upsells are Outrageously Priced as Well
  • Complaints About Refunds
  • The Program is Basically a Revamped Version of AWOL Academy

My Final Verdict ā€“ Fullstaq Marketers

Fullstaq Marketer Review: New Training or Revamped Scam?

I would not recommend Fullstaq Marketer to anyone. The training is good, but it's not worth the price tag that comes with it.

You can find this same information for free online, and other platforms will charge you a fraction of the price.

So unless you have money to blow, I suggest you stay away from Fullstaq Marketer. It's not worth it in my opinion.

There is a Way Better Option

With a FREE to Join Membership, you can get access to a training platform that will provide you with everything you need to get started in affiliate marketing.

Fullstaq Marketer Review: New Training or Revamped Scam?

It's called Wealthy Affiliate, and it is my number one recommended program for those wanting to get into this industry.

Wealthy Affiliate provides you with all the tools you need to get started. You will not only learn exactly what Fullstaq Marketer teaches, but you will have lessons on a variety of other topics.

You will get access to:

  • Training Courses that Show You Exactly How to Start a Profitable Business in Affiliate Marketing
  • A Free Website and Hosting Right on The Platform. Up to 20 Websites with a Premium Membership.
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  • 24/7 Technical Support
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Wealthy Affiliate is hands down the best training and support you can get to Start a Business Online. Start Your Free Membership Below.

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Home » Reviews » Fullstaq Marketer Review: New Training or Revamped Scam?
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My name is Steven Howell, an affiliate, coach and marketing enthusiast who helps people get started in the world of affiliate marketing via my blog posts and inside of a global membership community.

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