The Click Engine Review – A Traffic Treasure?

Are you tired of struggling to get traffic to your website? Do you want to sit back, relax, and let the clicks roll in? Well, if you've been searching for a solution, then you may have heard of The Click Engine. Created by Jeff Aman, this affiliate marketing program claims to deliver hordes of real buyer traffic straight to your offers. Sounds Great Right? Well, before you jump on board, let's take a closer look. In The Click Engine Review, I show you what it has to offer.

Why Traffic and Clicks Matter for Your Online Business

Let's face it, without traffic, your website is just a lonely island in the vast sea of the internet. You need people clicking on your links and checking out your offers if you want to make any money online.

The Click Engine Review - A Traffic Treasure?

To put it into perspective, online traffic is like the lifeblood of any online platform. Without it, you won't survive long enough to make a profit. However, with the right traffic source, you can generate a continuous flow of leads, sales, and profits.

The Click Engine claims to be that traffic source, but don't get too excited just yet.

What is The Click Engine?

The Click Engine Review - A Traffic Treasure?

The Click Engine is an automated traffic-generation service that delivers real buyer traffic straight to your affiliate offers. It works by exposing your affiliate link to a database of potential buyers who are interested in what you have to offer.

So, basically, it's a paid traffic rotary service. Now if you're not sure what that is, then here's a brief explanation.

What is a Paid Traffic Rotary?

This source of traffic is quite common. The whole premise is you send your links to a traffic rotary service. They then add your link to an email rotator that emails offers to interested leads.

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Now, this doesn't mean you will magically make sales. It also doesn't mean that you'll get traffic pouring in. Really, your link will be among thousands of others. So, it will take time for your link to be seen by potential buyers.

How Does The Click Engine Work?

Once you sign up for The Click Engine, all you have to do is submit your affiliate link. The program will send out emails promoting your offer to its database of potential leads.

This is a good and steady way to build an email list. However, it takes time before you begin to see any real results. So, don't expect immediate success with The Click Engine.

How Much Does The Click Engine Cost?

The Click Engine Review - A Traffic Treasure?

The price of The Click Engine is actually pretty decent. Considering the price you would pay for Solo Ads or other Paid Ad Traffic, which can be steep prices.

Here is what you can expect to pay for membership and upsells:

  • The Click Engine Membership ($4.90): Access to The Click Engine
  • Double Buyer Traffic ($14.90): Get Your Offer Seen By More Leads
  • Click Engine Case Study 1 ($94.90): Jeff Takes You Through a Step By Step Process of Garnering Major Traffic with the System
  • Profit Fundamentals Package ($8.90): A 10-Part Course Showing You How to Maximize Your Profits

How The Click Engine Compares to List Joe

If you're familiar with List Joe, then you already know how similar it is to The Click Engine. Both programs promise to deliver real buyer traffic straight to your offers. However, there are some key differences between the two.

The Click Engine Review - A Traffic Treasure?

For one thing, List Joe has been around longer than The Click Engine. List Joe also is free to use, but does have a premium paid service as well.

One key difference is how they deliver their traffic. List Joe mainly sends its members links to other members through emails. If they open these emails and click the offer they then gain credits to send out their own offers.

The Click Engine does not take that route. They seem to have their own database of traffic that they send your links to. So, you can see why they are a paid service as opposed to List Joe's free service.

Who is The Click Engine For?

The Click Engine Review - A Traffic Treasure?

The Click Engine is perfect for anyone who wants an easy way to generate traffic and sales without having to do all the hard work themselves.

It's especially useful for affiliate marketers who want a steady stream of targeted traffic going straight to their offers.

Another good use for The Click Engine is if you want to build an email list. You can send your offers out and start building your list in no time.

Pros and Cons of The Click Engine


  • Affordable Pricing
  • The Automated System Saves Time
  • Real Traffic Delivered Straight to Your Offers


  • Relies Heavily on Email Marketing
  • Limited Control Over Targeting Options
  • Is Not as Effective as Learning to Generate Traffic on Your Own

Is The Click Engine a Scam?

The Click Engine Review - A Traffic Treasure?

No. While there are some flaws with programs like this, overall I think that The Click Engine is a solid product. It has the potential to help affiliate marketers generate more sales and commissions.

However, it is unclear if the traffic you are getting is actually buyer traffic. Sure you may be getting clicks from interested leads, but whether or not it will result in sales is another question.

Final Verdict

So should you sign up for The Click Engine? If you're looking for an easy way to generate traffic without having to do all the hard work yourself, then yes. I recommend giving it a try.

Sign up for The Click Engine with the Link Below and as a Bonus I'll Give You Free Access to The Diamond Traffic Program Course. Valued at $997

>>Sign Up for The Click Engine Here<<

However, I also advise people not to rely solely on programs like this and instead learn how to generate their own traffic. This is still the best way to get profitable buyer traffic.

Become a Traffic Dominator

At the end of the day, generating targeted traffic is essential if you want any chance at success online. If you want to learn how to master online traffic I would recommend becoming a Traffic Dominator with Wayne Crowe.

Wayne has been involved in the affiliate marketing space for almost 20 years. He knows how to generate insane amounts of targeted traffic from various sources. He is one of the best in the business and can help you become a Traffic Dominator.

The Click Engine Review - A Traffic Treasure?

His OLSP Academy is helping beginners Crush their traffic and commission goals. Join the Academy today and take control of your online success!

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Join the Online Training Platform that has Personally Helped Me Grow a Profitable Email List. Let the Traffic Dominators Help You Earn Big Time Commissions.

Home » Reviews » The Click Engine Review – A Traffic Treasure?
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My name is Steven Howell, an affiliate, coach and marketing enthusiast who helps people get started in the world of affiliate marketing via my blog posts and inside of a global membership community.

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