If you have done any sort of online marketing, you know that one of the major things you need is a website. These days more business owners are becoming aware of how powerful a website can be for their business. Going through marketing agencies, they literally spend thousands hiring web designers to build sites for them. That being said, what if I said there was a way for you to start your own marketing agency? With no experience. No knowledge of web design and no website of your own. Not only that but you can help local businesses in your area. In my Web Agency Fortune Review, I determine if this product is a viable way to run a web agency – let's begin!
There is a new product that has launched called Web Agency Fortune-Digital Marketing. The creator, Dawn Vu, has taken his 8 yrs of experience in business marketing and created this Done For You Web Agency product. Basically Dawn claims that using Web Agency Fortune, can allow anyone to start a profitable marketing agency, without any experience at all.
So what I'm going to do is delve into this product and tell you exactly, if it is what Dawn claims it to be. I'll go over what the product is. Go through its pros and cons. Then I'll give you my full analysis of this online opportunity.
What is Web Agency Fortune-Digital Marketing?
First off I'd like to note that WAF-Digital Marketing is the newest part of the Web Agency Fortune series. Dawn has created numerous products, in a variety of niches. These web based products have benefited his customers, and helped them in bringing there online business ventures to life. WAF-Digital Marketing is the newest tool he is offering his customers. Giving them the tools to start there own marketing agency.
Before I go further on what this product actually is, I'd like to touch upon an important point that Dawn makes about starting a marketing agency business. You see one of the most crucial things you need to get your business going is Client Acquisition.
“Client Acquisition is All About Building Positive Relationships with Your Prospects, Before They Even Become Your Clients. To build relationships. Engage with your targeted clients before even the first conversation. To give them a positive feeling about you before they even know you.” -Dawn Vu-
Creating an online presence is a must. Now, what do you think business owners look at when choosing a marketing agency? That's right, a Website.
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With WAF-Digital Marketing you are given the ability to create a professional marketing agency website within minutes. Ready to convert your clients, and instantly positioning you as an authority. Not only that but Dawn also provides website templates that you can easily customize into any website that your clients might need.
How Does WAF – Digtal Marketing Work?
This system is actually really easy to utilize. Everything is pretty much setup for you to install right onto Word-Press. This includes your customizable marketing agency site, ready to go website templates in 3 different niches, and images and video ads for you to choose from.
Dawn has a video below where he shows how you can be up and running in 4 mins:
Now while the system may be fairly simple to setup and use, I'm kind of doubtful on the claim that clients will come pouring in as soon as you publish your site. Also, you will definitely want to do your research when it comes to learning the marketing agency business model. Luckily there is a training course that comes with this product that should help.
Ok, so after you've done the setup on wordpress, you should have everything you need to begin your marketing agency. At least thats what they claim in this product. You are given ready-made sites that you can sell to local businesses, but there's only 3 business categories included. Dentists, Restaurant Owners, and Contractors are the only clients you would be able to sell to with these website templates. I guess it is a start.
They do actually offer you some upgrades that you can purchase when buying this product. These upgrades go from having pofessional voiceovers for promotinal videos, to a full on website designer service. As you begin to scale your Web agency business, these upgrades can actually be very useful in this business model.
Pros and Cons of Web Agency Fortune Digital Marketing
- Very Professional and Well made Website Templates:
The done for you websites have a very professinal feel to them. This will give you a boost in credibility from potential clients. - Easy to Set up on WordPress:
Setting up your site on wordpress in less than 5 minutes - Gives you the ability to Earn while you Help out Local Businesses:
Using this system you can help other business owners create a stunning website that will benefit their business. - Training for Those with No Experience:
The training gives you a good understanding of how to get started and set up your own web agency.
- Not Much Explanation on Training to Acquire Clients:
It may be easy to set up your site, however getting clients to trust you to build their professinal site, can be another problem in itself. - You are Only Given Templates for 3 Business Niches:
You only have 3 business niches you can sell to with the templates they give you. Denistry- Resteraunt-Contracting Even though this gives you a good start, it doesn't give you much of a choice in the clients you can take on. - Eventually you will have to Hire Other Services to Keep your Web Agency Site Going. (web designers, copywriters, Promotinal Marketers):
This product gives you some credibility, and does some of the work for you, However, eventually you will need to outsource and this can be pricey. - Claims that Anyone Can Start this Business:
While it is possible the problem is that it Does Not Realistically Let you Know How Much you Will be Investing into This Business Model.
Is Web Agency-Digital Marketing a Scam?
Is this product a scam? I would have to say No. Although, I do believe that the claims that are made are glamorized. Starting a Marketing Agency with no experience can be a pretty arduous task. I'm not saying it's not possible. It's just that there is a lot more to it than what is explained with this product. A lot of skills are needed before one can just up and start marketing for companies or businesses.
- Building landing pages
- Designing ads
- Constructing messaging and positioning
- Learning systems like Marketo, HubSpot, and Salesforce
- Properly implementing tracking
- Spending hours on a promotion just to watch it fail
- Substantial pressure to produce
Bottom Line is You going to need to be an expert marketer before you can go out and start branding yourself as a marketing agency. However, You gotta start somewhere and this is a good way to get your feet wet.
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My Verdict

Having your marketing agency can be a very profitable a lucrative business. If you can stick with it and scale it, the rewards from it can be big. The thing is it can be rather hard to get things going in a marketing agency. There are so many things that need to be done that you really do need a lot of marketing skills. Basically you would need a team to take care of different aspects in your agency. In my opinion it would be very hard to do on your own.
Web Agency-Digital Marketing is a good system. It does give you the basic tools you would need to get yourself started in this business model. The websites they give you are top notch and are very well made. This does give you a jumpstart when it comes to gaining trust from future clients. The training gives you a good idea of the steps you need to take, but they don't go over all the tedious aspects of running a marketing agency.
There is another Option
Starting any sort of online business takes a lot of work. A lot of people will look at a product like Web Agency Fortune and think it'll just make them successful overnight. The truth is that earning a full time income online, just doesn't happen with the snap of a finger. You gotta learn the skills and knowledge that will set you up and catapult you into your own profitable business. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a place you could go to learn those skills, without paying an arm and leg. Well, Guess what there is.
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Thank you for your review on Web Agency Fortune. I would agree – it does seem like a good idea but it is probably just too restrictive in what it has to offer. Learning how to be a Web Designer and making a WordPress website can take a lot – a lot of time. This may help to shorten the time to develop websites for a few business niches but it seems unlikely to be a viable business model.
What will you do if you get a request to build a website from outside these few niches? And we all know that getting traffic to a website is a large part of the battle with any kind of marketing. You can have the most beautiful site in the world, but unless people actually see your site, you will have zero business.
I agree with you that the claims that “anybody” can start this kind of techie business seem far-fetched. Then there is the competition from other Web agencies who will have a much larger portfolio than you will have – certainly in the beginning. It is a good idea – but just not good enough.
I don\t like it when they claim that anybody can start a business because that opens the door to a lot of disappointment. Yes, it certainly takes a lot of time ad work, and some type of audacity to build a business online. I like that they give these templates that can guide us when we’re complete newbies.