Paying Social Media Jobs Review – Is it Legit?

Welcome to my Paying Social Media Jobs Review. What? You've never heard of this platform? Well if you're reading this then odds are you are searching for a social media job yourself.

You may have even heard of the Paying Social Media Jobs site and are seeking info on it. Well keep reading because in this post, I'll go over everything you need to know.

What is Paying Social Media Jobs?

Paying Social Media Jobs Review - Is it Legit?

Paying Social Media Jobs is an online platform that aims to teach members how to earn an income through social media. More specifically, they guide users through a process of becoming a social media manager for local businesses.

The claim is, through their training, anyone can become a social media manger and make money effortlessly.

Now this may seem like a piece of cake dream job for some, but in reality there is a lot more to it. So, the idea that they claim anyone can do it is kind of a red flag.

Who Created the Paying Social Media Jobs Training Platform?

After joining Paying Social Media Jobs you are taken to a page that tells the story of Annie Jones. Annie is supposedly the creator of this platform.

As the story goes, Annie was a struggling parent trying to make ends meet. Then she found an entry job as a Social Media Manager. She quickly learned the skills of the trade and started making very profitable income. All this apparently happened in 6 months time.

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As her story goes on, it is said that she created the Paying Social Jobs Platform to help others find the same success.

A Little Bit of Shadiness Going On

Paying Social Media Jobs Review - Is it Legit?

Upon doing a little research on Annie Jones, I found some really shady info. Every time I searched her name in connection with this training product I would get a different photo.

This led me to realize that the photos that were used of her were free downloadable stock photos. At this point you begin to wonder if Annie even exists.

Tactics like this are really nothing new. A lot of developers of platforms like this prefer to be anonymous. So, they find ways to give a face to the product to give of some sort of transparency.

As common as it may be it still sets off red flags for me.

How Does Paying Social Media Jobs Work?

Paying Social Media Jobs Review - Is it Legit?

When you opt to sign up on this platform, you are taken to a quiz page. The quiz is supposedly set up to match you with the best jobs available.

However, regardless of your answers, the job results are the same. I guess the quiz is suppose to make you feel like the jobs are tailored to you.

Types of Job Tasks Available on Paying Social Media Jobs

Here is a Rundown of the Types of Job Tasks that are Presented to You:

  • Blogging – Writing and Posting Blog Posts on Behalf of a Company.
  • Content Creation – Creating Written and Video Content as a Paid Task.
  • Commenting – Commenting on Social Media Post on Behalf of a Company.
  • Following or Liking – Engaging with others on a Companies Social Media Accounts.
  • Creating Videos – Full Involvement in the Creation of a Companies Video Productions.
  • Posting – Writing and Posting Engaging Post on Social Media on Behalf of a Company.

Choosing a Job Task to Apply For

After going through the whole quiz process, you get to choose a job you'd like to apply for. Don't spend any time trying to choose one though.

No matter what you choose you will still be brought to the next step in this “jump through hoops” process.

You might have guessed by now, that this whole thing leads up to a Sales page. In this assumption, you are correct.

How Much is it to Join Paying Social Media Jobs?

Paying Social Media Jobs Review - Is it Legit?

Now that you've finally reached the sales page, you find that the fee to join Paying Social Media Jobs is only $27.

Of course, like most of these type of money making opportunities, there are Upsells and Downsells.

Here is an Overview of Pricing for these Upsells and Downsells:

OfferUpsell PriceDownsell Price
VIP Upgrade
This Gives You a Professional
Rep, Access to the High-End Gigs,
and Pro Support.
$97 (Lifetime Access)$67 (12 Months)
Access to
“Paid Online Writing Jobs”
and “Write App Review”

These are Similar Platforms
from the Same Developers.
$57 for Both$37 for 1
Social Media Arbitrage
Learn to Double Your Income
By Outsourcing.

If you came into this thinking this platform was just a job listing site, you'd be mistaken. It is a hub where you can find Social Media Job listings.

However, the goal of this site is to train you to succeed in these jobs.

IntroPaid Social Media Jobs Training

After paying the $27 and becoming a member, you are greeted with some intro introduction modules.

Now these 3 modules aren't really a part of the training. They are basically videos and examples of how great it is to work in the field of social media jobs.

Basically, they prepare you for what you're getting into. With tutorials covering topics such as “Finding Your First Gig” to “Writing Engaging Comments”.

The Core Training of Paying Social Media Jobs

Paying Social Media Jobs Review - Is it Legit?

The Main Training of Paying Social Media Jobs is pretty straight-forward. It comes in 2 sections and covers a variety of skills you will need to learn.

Social Media Jobs Training

This portion of the training takes you through the main skills of being a social media manager. It also prepares you for applying for these positions.

Training Includes:

  • Social Media Manager 101
  • Preparing for Success
  • Finding Social Media Jobs
  • Maximizing Your Income
  • Build Your Own Social Media Marketing Agency

Social Media Affiliate Marketing Training

This section goes over utilizing affiliate marketing into your social media jobs. It is probably one of the main ways most of these companies make money, so these are skills you must know.

Training Includes:

  • Social Media Affiliate 101
  • Making Money with ClickBank
  • Making Money with JVZoo

Can You Make Money with Paying Social Media Jobs?

Paying Social Media Jobs Review - Is it Legit?

So, can you actually make money by joining Paying Social Media Jobs? Technically, Yes. Do you need to join this platform to earn an income through social media?

Absolutely not, and let me tell you why.

The thing is this training platform is a good training. I'll give it that. It also gives you access to a database of listing for these social media jobs.

Now the reality is, they are wanting you to pay for access to this database when anyone can access these job listings. That's right, the same social media jobs they give you, are posted on sites like ZipRecruiter and Indeed.

Again the training is a nice push in the right direction. However, the unfortunate truth is getting these high paying Social Media Jobs is quite a task. You must remember that you will be competing with people who are already well established as Social Media Managers.

So the chances of you getting any gig with substantial profit is slim.

Who is Paying Social Media Jobs For?

Paying Social Media Jobs is not for those who are trying to jump into a high paying social media job. It is best for people who may already have some experience and are looking to expand their skill set.

The training is actually really detailed and is good for newbies wanting to learn the skills for these jobs. However, it is not a guaranteed ticket to a goldmine social media job.

Pros and Cons of Paying Social Media Jobs


  • Great Training for Those Looking to Get into Social Media Professions.
  • Convenient Database List of Available Social Media Jobs.


  • Creators are Not Transparent (Unclear if Annie Jones Exists.
  • Testimonials are Done by Paid Actors.
  • Jobs that are Available are Open to the Public.
  • Odds of Landing a Profitable Social Media Job are Very Slim.

Is Paying Social Media Jobs a Scam?

Paying Social Media Jobs Review - Is it Legit?

Even though there are some red flags, I do not believe Paying Social Media Jobs is a Scam. The lack of the creators transparency is concerning. Using Actors for Testimonials is also shady.

However, I do think that Paying Social Media Jobs was created to help aspiring social media job seekers. The training gives you everything you would need to know to succeed in this job niche.

Also, having a list database of available social media jobs all in one place is pretty convenient. Even though the jobs offered are easily accessible on job search sites, it is still a good feature.

My Final Thoughts on Paying Social Media Jobs

Paying Social Media Jobs Review - Is it Legit?

Overall, I think that the concept behind Paid Social Media Jobs has potential. I do however, strongly caution those thinking that it will land them a profitable job.

As I stated before, the competition in this job niche is extremely competitive. You will have to get more experience under your belt to start making a decent wage.

Paying Social Media Jobs teaches the fundamentals of these jobs, but it won't fast track you to success. Plus a majority of what they teach can easily be learned for free on other training platforms.

In all, Paying Social Media Jobs is a legit site that looks to help aspiring opportunists'. Giving them basic skills that could help their future social media endeavors.

An Alternative Option That Works

If you're looking for a Free alternative option to learning Social Media Marketing skills, then I would recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

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Home » Reviews » Paying Social Media Jobs Review – Is it Legit?
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My name is Steven Howell, an affiliate, coach and marketing enthusiast who helps people get started in the world of affiliate marketing via my blog posts and inside of a global membership community.

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