Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Let me hit you with some fact. With the changing landscape of the work force, many people have struggled to make ends meet. Jobs just aren't paying enough and many have been living paycheck to paycheck. This has spurred an increase in people looking to make a living online. However, many have no idea where to start and can't afford to pay for classes. So, what has become their solution? They scour the net to find make money online free training platforms.

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Now these platforms are found online in abundance, and promise the keys to financial freedom. Many claim to be the equivalent of finding a treasure map, leading you to a chest of riches.

Here's the thing, not all treasure maps are created equal. Some can lead to dead ends instead of riches.

Yes there are shady training platforms out there, they just wanna lure you in. They promise you free training, then charge you some outrageous price.

However, this isn't just about avoiding those scammers. It's about finding the free training courses that are the real deal. Platforms that offer you genuine value and show you the right way to earn money online.

I'm here to help you sift through the noise and find the gold nuggets among the pebbles. I've personally gone through my share of free online income courses, and I have seen it all. I've fell for the scammy ones, but I've also been privileged enough to find the ones that are golden.

So, join me as I lead you to some of the best Make Money Online Free Training Platforms.

Follow My Proven 4 Step Formula

Whether you are just getting started, have some experience, or are an ultra-successful affiliate marketer, this 4 step formula is made for you!

What to Look for in Make Money Online Free Training Platforms

When looking for the right training program, it shouldn't be the free tag that catches your attention. Time is valuable, so my goal is to direct you to resources that are truly beneficial to your goals. Here's what to look for when choosing a training program that will work for you.

Rich and Valuable Training

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

The first thing you should look at is what is offered in the training. You're looking for training that goes beyond surface-level advice.

Go over the criteria of the classes and courses. Make sure they dig deep into strategies, tools, and processes that will be fundamental as you move forward.

Community Support

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Trying to find financial success online can be daunting. You will run into roadblocks and hurdles along the way. That's why it's important to have like minded peers to help you out.

Platforms that boast a robust, active community signal a reliable environment for growth. Providing this for members often propels them through what can be tough times.

Analyze the Content

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

While going over the training offered it is always a good idea to research their methods. Scrutinize the sustainability and scalability of the skills being taught.

Are you learning basic tactics, or are you gaining knowledge that will be applicable years down the line? The best platforms teach evergreen skills that you can expand on as you gain more experience.

Look for Proof of Success

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Lastly, look at success stories and transparency.

A lot of these platforms will have success stories which you can check out. It's important to note that some will use fake postings, so be weary of those.

However, there are training programs that have legit posting of members who are making serious money from their training. Usually you can find these stories within the community.

Be sure to research these results and find out if they are for real.

The Best Make Money Online Free Training Platforms

Ok, so now it's time to jump into the meat of this post. Here we will go over some of the top make money online free training courses that actually work.

Again, I have personally been through all of these training platforms and can vouch that they are legit.

We're going to go over 3 platforms that have garnered reputations and given real results to their members.

So, let's get to it.

Wealthy Affiliate – Make Money Online Free Training Platforms

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Wealthy Affiliate is an online training platform designed to help individuals build and grow successful affiliate marketing businesses. It was founded in 2005 by 2 innovative online marketers, Carson Lim and Kyle Loudon.

Since then the platform has skyrocketed to the one of the best affiliate training platforms around. It's constantly evolving and growing training methods have created a community of new and seasoned marketers alike.

This out of many, is one of the reasons WA is my top choice for anyone looking to make money online.

Training Within WA

Wealthy Affiliate is hands down some of the best training I have seen in online business. It's core training is integrated with a new feature called WA Hubs. Which is truly a game changer for those just starting out in the affiliate marketing world.

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

In WA Hubs, members are taken through the process of creating their own online affiliate business. The core training is tailored to the chosen niche topics that you choose and gives you all the tools to succeed.

In addition to the Core Training WA provides classes and tutorials in all aspects of online business. These classes are constantly evolving and updated to keep the lessons taught fresh. They are also taught by some of the best expert marketers in the game. Which include other WA members and Kyle and Carson themselves.

Tools and Resources in WA

As I mentioned earlier Wealthy Affiliates new feature WA Hubs is truly a game changer. This in part is due to the valuable tools and resources that it offers newcomers.

Here's an overview of the tools and resources below:

  • Niche FinderThis Tool is an Amazing Perk. It Allows You to Use AI to Make the Niche Selection Process Effortless.
  • Site Rubix – A Unique Website Builder that You Can Use for Free in WA.
  • Website Analysis – With This Feature You Can Keep Track of Your Sites Vitals. Making Sure it Runs Smoothly.
  • Writing Tool with AI Assist – Your Content Writer in WA Hubs Makes Writing Content Easy. It Also has AI Assistance, Which Can Help Write 10x Faster.
  • Jaxxy Keyword Research Tool – One of the Best Keyword Research Tools Around. Jaxxy helps you find the Best Keywords to Rank for Your Website.
  • Industry and Market Analysis Tool – This Ai Driven Tool Allows You to Research Trends and Data Pertaining to Your Niche.

Community Support Within Wealthy Affiliate

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Wealthy Affiliate boasts a very active community that helps members get support and feedback.

The dashboard on WA is almost like what you would find on Facebook. Members post topics, chat, and share different ideas. This is really helpful to beginners as it gets them mingling with like minded peers.

This is also helpful when beginners run into road blocks. There is always other members on that are willing to help and set you in the right direction.

Success Stories -Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

The proof is in the pudding as they say. Here are some success posting within WA.

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Pros and Cons – Wealthy Affiliate


  • Best Overall – It is My Top Pick for Free Training Platforms.
  • Shows a Step by Step Way that Is Proven to Work.
  • WA Hubs is a Game Changer.
  • Resources and Tools are Amazing
  • Community Support is Unbelievable.


  • Certain Tools and Classes are for Premium Members. But are Not Necessary.

My Verdict on Wealthy Affiliate

I said it before and I'll say it again. Wealthy Affiliate is hands the best Make Money Online Free Training Platform around. The platform has literally helped thousand carve their path to financial freedom. And that number continues to grow.

You Can Start Your Free Membership Below:

wealthy affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate

Join the Online Training Platform that has Personally Helped Me Create a Profitable Business Online. Let the WA Community Help You Reach Financial Freedom!!

The OLSP System – Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

If you've been cruising the web searching for an online income, you may have heard of The OLSP System. It's a platform that's been buzzing with popularity, and for a good reason.

This platform is quite unique, in that it runs on a one link commission method. Basically, members can earn commissions within the system with a single promotional link.

Founded by seasoned veteran online marketer, Wayne Crowe, this platform is tailored for beginners as well as advanced marketers. Something you don't usually see in a lot of these free training programs. They are usually focused on newbies.

Now, with OLSP(One Link System Pixel) it's not just about having one link. It's the training you are given to promote this link that makes this platform golden.

Training within The OLSP System

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

The OLSP System emphasizes practical, actionable, and results driven training. This means that as you follow the lessons Wayne teaches, you will take actions to earn commissions.

Yes, you will earn while you learn.

The lessons themselves are integrated into the steps you take to promote The OLSP System. Wayne shows you everything you need to know to get set-up and running.

The best part is, you will be learning strategies that Wayne has used for years to build himself a fortune. Affiliate marketing and email marketing are both touched upon in his training. But the key to his success has been traffic generation.

They don't call him the Traffic Dominator for nothing.

Wayne will show you exactly how to garner traffic and make sales with what he dubs the Mega Link.

The Mega Link – Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

The Mega Link is literally one link that you will utilize to get leads and earn commissions in the system. This is done through a Mega Funnel which Wayne helps you setup.

The Mega Link will also give you the ability to promote numerous products in OLSP. Here's a rundown of the products you can promote.

The Traffic Dominator Facebook Group

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Like Wealthy Affiliate, The OLSP System emphasizes the ability for members to help each other find success.

For OLSP, this is done through their member Facebook group, The Traffic Dominators. This group serves as a community hub for OLSP members.

In this group they get real-time advice, participate in discussions, and receive updates directly from Wayne Crowe.

Success Stories within The OLSP System

It is within the Traffic Dominators Facebook Group, that you'll find success stories from real members of OLSP.

Members post quite regularly and are not shy about showing how much they've earned. Especially because other members root them on and congratulate them on their success.

Pros and Cons – The OLSP System


  • Lessons from One of the Best in the Business. “The Traffic Dominator”, Wayne Crow.
  • You Access the Ability to Make Major Commissions Right Away.
  • Helps in Growing a Profitable Email List, Which Can Double Your Earnings.


  • Some Tools and Products Used are Things You Would Have to Pay for. However, You Don't Need Them to Go Through the Training or Make Commissions.

My Verdict on The OLSP System – Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

When I first joined The OLSP, I have to say I was kind of skeptical. I had never really delved into learning traffic generation strategies. So, for me this was all unknown waters.

However, after going through Wayne's training everything came together. Learning to use the mega funnel with the mega link, showed me core fundamentals of affiliate marketing.

It also showed me how to better utilize email marketing and grow a profitable lead list. Something I was still struggling with at the time.

However, the thing that impressed me the most was how quickly I was able to earn commissions. What's really unique is, in the training Wayne gives you opportunities to make money within the setup of OLSP.

No Joke. You literally can earn a $20 commission right away.

So, if you're struggling to earn your first dollar online, this is definitely the training for you.

Sign up for your free membership below:

The OLSP System

The OLSP System

Join the Online Training Platform that has Taken Complete Beginners and Given Them the Tools to Generate Massive Commissions Daily. Start Your Journey with OLSP Now!!

My Online Startup – Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

My Online Startup (MOS) is an online training platform designed to teach individuals how to start a profitable online business.

With a strong focus on affiliate marketing the platform aims to enable members to grow their business while earning commissions.

Founded by seasoned marketer, Chuck Nyguyen, the platform also aims to give members a deeper understanding of online business strategies.

Training within My Online Startup

The core of My Online Startup is its in-depth, structured training. This training covers crucial topics that are vital to success in affiliate marketing.

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

This is what makes MOS so special, in that it gives you in depth lessons into these topics. Where as, most free training platforms like it only give you the bare basics of how to start. Leaving some beginners just as clueless as when they started.

It is for this reason that I placed MOS on this list. It is one of the best free training courses I have ever encountered.

The 30 Day Gameplan

The Main Training Course Come in 3 Parts

  • The Core FoundationsThe Course Starts with a Very Important Part of Online Business. Training Your Mindset. The Lessons Take You Through Exercise and Tasks to Prepare You Mentally and Physically.
  • Affiliate Lead SystemThis Section is the Meat of the Training. Here Chuck takes You Through Lessons on Gaining Leads for Your Business. He Also Teaches You the Process of Email Marketing.
  • Your Personal BrandHere Chuck Will Show You How to Create Your Own Brand for Your New Business. (This Part of the Training is Still Being Fleshed Out and Will Be Up When MOS Fully Relaunches)

Tools within My Online Startup

As you go through the MOS training course, Chuck will introduce you to different resources available to you. There are many perks that you can utilize in My Online Startup. Let's go over the 2 big ones.

Done for You Blog

One of the new additions to MOS, is the DFY Blog. This can truly be a game changer for those just starting out.

Chuck and his team have made it possible for members to have a blog setup for them. This blog will be your site and can be customized to your liking.

What's even better, is all the premium plug-ins that come with your blog are completely free to you. Site theme, page builder, Social media, and email tool plugins are all paid for you.

This is definitely something you'll want to take advantage of.

Done for You Lead Generation System

As part of the learning process in MOS, you will be introduced to your own Lead Generation System.

Like OLSP, you are given a MOS partner link that will be coded in to you. This of course if you decided to promote My Online Startup.

By using this link, you will have the opportunity to make commissions and gather referrals. Anyone who signs up to join MOS through your link will be added to your email list funnel. This process is all set up for you.

Founding Member

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

While the main core training in MOS is free, you are offered an amazing opportunity within the course.

By opting in to be a Founding Member, you unlock the real value of My Online Startup. This paid upgrade provides advanced training, better affiliate commission rates, and access to more powerful marketing tools and resources.

There is a one time fee of $199. However the benefits are definitely worth it. Plus, any new premium products or training rolled out by Chuck on the platform will be completely free to you.

100+ Income Streams – Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

One of the key things that help achieve success in online business is multiple income streams.

My Online Startup definitely delivers on this one. By promoting the platform, you will be able to earn commissions from over 100+ products offered in the course.

You don't have to buy any of these products yourself. You will still gain valuable lessons without them in the course. However, if one of your referrals does, you get paid.

MOS Facebook Group – Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

There are actually 2 Facebook groups that are available to join in My Online Startup. The main group is the My Online Startup Community Page.

This is where you can get support and tips from other members. If you have questions or need help with anything, there is always someone their to answer. In addition, Chuck chimes in as well to support and give updates to all members in the group.

The second group is Chucks Mastermind Group. This group is for those who opt-in to become partners and founding members. In this group, Chuck gives tips and tutorials on advanced strategies to help you earn more commissions.

Success Stories in My Online Startup

Like OLSP, success stories in MOS are found on the Facebook group page. However, because MOS in being revamped at this time, most member posting have been paused.

Don't worry though. You will still find members conversing on how much commissions they have made.

Pros and Cons to My Online Startup – Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work


  • One of the Best Training Courses I've Seen for Affiliate Marketing.
  • Over 100+ Income Streams Available to Earn Commissions.
  • Chuck Explains Everything in Detail and Guides Members into Running Their Own Brand.


  • Their is a One-Time Fee to Become a Founding Partner with MOS.
  • The Platform is Still in the Middle of Being Revamped. However, You Can Still Join and Make Big Commissions.

My Verdict on My Online Startup – Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

If you are a complete beginner to the online income field then this platform is right up your alley.

Chuck teaches many different methods in the course and explains affiliate marketing in a very understandable format. The course itself is one of the best I've seen for beginners and it's surreal that it's actually free.

I highly recommend giving this platform a shot to anyone looking to earn an income online. Got nothing to lose. It's Free.

My Online Startup

My Online Startup

Join the Innovative Training Platform that has Changed the Face of Online Business Training. Let My Online Startup Be Your Path to a Profitable Online Income.

The Bottom Line – Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

I'm going to level with you. Jumping into the world of online business can be an adventure filled with learning curves and opportunities.

There will be hurdles, but by overcoming these hurdles you unlock many rewards. Opportunities that can take you to the next level.

The 3 free training platforms I've shared with you can help you take this journey head on. Giving you the knowledge, resources and tools to find success.

Make Money Online Free Training Platforms That Actually Work

Now this doesn't mean they are quick fixes, that will skyrocket you to riches. Even though that is a good possibility.

The free gems should be thought of as resources that require dedication and effort. It's not about shortcuts; it's about building a sustainable online presence that can continue to grow.

If you wanna give yourself a chance at a profitable financial future, then I highly recommend joining the platforms.

Remember that anyone can make it online. However, it's the entrepreneurs that take action that find themselves reaping the rewards.

If you have tried these free training platforms, feel free to give your opinion in the comments below.

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My name is Steven Howell, an affiliate, coach and marketing enthusiast who helps people get started in the world of affiliate marketing via my blog posts and inside of a global membership community.

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